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麥嘉慧(Karen博士、麥博)。自由科普作家/博客,亦是許多網絡科學節目的嘉賓/主持。科大畢業,曾任教於港大、浸大、教育學院和新加坡國立大學。文章見於科學狗網站、《樂鋒報》、《良友之聲》;著有《生物科技時光機》、《微生物大聯盟》、《Karen博士21個海洋大探索》,譯有《卡通生物科技》。她亦有在自己的Patreon、IG、面書和 YouTube 頻道傳遞科學知識。
Karen Mak has been a science educator since she finished her PhD at HKUST in 2004. She has been actively contributing to popsci where she can be found as a popular guest host in various media outlets to explain everyday, sometimes profound, science. An English book entitled ‘Biotechnology in Cartoons’ was translated into Cantonese by her. To help her fans to understand the scientific world, she has her own Patreon, ig account, FaceBook page and YouTube channel.
關於Karen:經緯人.物誌 | 講經 | I am a HKer | The Xylom
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